Moving while social distancing is not impossible, but requires a few adjustments.
Even though we are in an unusual situation, parts of our regular lives still go on. This can include moving into a new apartment. However, while moving can be a complicated process, to begin with, moving while social distancing can be even trickier. There are very real challenges involved in moving right now, especially regarding health and safety, but these challenges are not insurmountable. A move is possible with thoughtful planning and smart strategies. By following these six tips, you can make moving while social distancing possible.
Simplify Your Search
Previously, you may have been more open to visiting various apartments before making your decision. However, now it is best to be ruthless in your online search and eliminate as many possibilities as you can before visiting them. Make sure your list of possible rental units consist of ones you could realistically say “yes” to if your application is accepted. By creating a list of criteria for your next home that is realistic for the market and your budget, you eliminate unnecessary health risks.
Ask for Alternatives to In-Person Tours
Usually, you may schedule a showing without much thought. However, now you should make a list of questions you have about a rental based on the listing and ask them over the phone to minimize in-person contact. You could also consider asking for additional photos or a virtual tour via video conference rather than an in-person viewing. If you feel you must, you can schedule in-person visits for your final candidates.
Ask About Health Measures
Apartment buildings often have shared public spaces that you must interact with even when moving while social distancing. To reduce the risk of infection, high-touch surfaces in these areas should be frequently cleaned. Ask the landlord or agent what cleaning protocols have been enacted, and what touchless and remote payment options are available for rent.
Simplify Your Stuff
This step is always useful before a move, but even more so now. If you can cut back on belongings that move with you, that can make the difference between one trip in your car or arranging a big move with a rental van and helpers, which makes moving while social distancing more difficult. Or, if you have the option, you can store your items in a storage unit and move items into your apartment gradually.
Know and Follow the Latest Guidelines
Guidance from public health officials is changing all the time as the pandemic situation evolves. Make sure before you begin your moving process that you are aware of any applicable city, county, and state guidelines.
Adjust Expectations
Remember that this situation is challenging and unpredictable, but won’t always be this way. Everything is going to be a little bit more difficult now, including moving. This may not be the ideal moving experience you imagined. Still, with some adjustments to your plans and practical expectations, you can find a new apartment you love, that you can enjoy in the future during much happier times.
Let Us Be Your Apartment Home!
Whether you need your very first apartment home or are relocating to the area, Apartments of Harborside Village would love to be your dream apartment home. Are you looking for beautiful waterfront apartments in Joppa, Maryland? Let us show you one of our spacious and affordable apartments at the Apartments of Harborside Village. To learn more about our apartment options, visit us online, give us a call at 410-679-1130, or email us. For a peek into what it’s like to live in our community, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.