Check out our easy step-by-step guide spring-cleaning your apartment.
It’s that time of year again that we all dread- spring cleaning. Even though most people dislike cleaning and put it off as long as possible, we can all agree that coming home to a tidy apartment and knowing that every room is spotless is a great feeling. For those who are having trouble getting motivated, we’ve compiled an easy step-by-step guide to making your apartment spring-cleaning as simple as possible.
1. Make A Plan
Don’t just jump right into cleaning a room, as it’s much more efficient to have a plan of how much cleaning you can actually handle. Decide if you want to spend a whole day cleaning or if you want to break it up, and make a goal of how many rooms you’ll clean in a day. Break down the tasks you want to complete, including re-organizing your closet or cleaning out your fridge. Having a plan and a list of all the tasks you want to complete is the best way to stay organized and on track.
2. Declutter
Diving into a messy room can be difficult, as you may not know where to start. It’s best to start with decluttering every room, then going back to do a deep clean. For example, in your bedroom, get rid of any clothes, shoes, or accessories that you’ve outgrown and no longer wear. This is also a good time to swap out a majority of your winter clothes for spring/summer items. Also, go through your office or desk space to organize your paperwork and taxes. The kitchen is another room with a lot of clutter, so go through and get rid of cookware in poor condition, or devices you barely use. Your pantry and fridge will also likely be filled with expired/unused items, and now is the best time to go through and get rid of anything you don’t need.
3. One Room At A Time
Now that you’ve officially decluttered your apartment, you can take it one room at a time and do a deep clean. While you’re probably used to sweeping around the furniture, spring cleaning is about getting as much dirt and dust out of your place as possible, so move every item out of the way before cleaning. Start from the top and work your way down, dusting and wiping everything as you go. Set a timer for yourself so you don’t get overwhelmed, and clean for an hour or two before taking a well-deserved break.
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