Check out these tips for keeping your apartment safe while you’re on vacation.
It’s always exciting to leave for a summer vacation, but before you take off, it’s crucial to ensure that your apartment is safe while you’re gone! Unfortunately, burglaries are more common in the summer than in the winter, as more people leave on longer trips. Follow these tips to keep your home safe and protected from unwanted visitors so you can enjoy a worry-free vacation!
Inform Your Neighbors
The first step before leaving on vacation is to inform your neighbors that you will be away for a while. They will likely be happy to pick up your mail and any packages you receive, and even keep an eye on your place. Experienced burglars may notice when a mailbox begins to pile up, and take it as a sign that no one is home. If you feel comfortable enough with your neighbor to leave them a spare key, they can water your plants and make sure your home is safe and sound.
Set Your Lights
Since experienced criminals will look for signs that no one is home, it’s often a good idea to make it look like your apartment is occupied. A good way to do this is to set your lights on timers to switch them on and off throughout the day. Be sure to set the lights at random times, as it is easy to tell if lights are automated if they turn on and off at the exact same time every day.
Security System
If your apartment building allows it, a security system can be just what you need to keep your mind at ease. While apartment complexes are safe, it’s a fact that homes without security systems are more likely to be broken into. There are plenty of new models on the market that range from door alarms to motion detectors that give your apartment an extra sense of security.
Unplug Appliances
In addition to keeping your apartment safe from trespassers, take the time to unplug all appliances besides your lights. If you leave the television, computer, blender, or kitchen appliances plugged in, an electric power surge can occur.
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