Having roommate problems? Take a look at our tips on how to work it out.
Most people live with a roommate at some point in their lives, whether it’s a random assignment in college, a best friend, or with a few people you don’t know very well. Even best friends go through problems when living together, as it’s very normal to have issues when spending so much time in the same place. Here are some tips on how to peacefully resolve any issues that may arise so your apartment living experience can be a positive one!
Understand Why You’re Angry
When you get angry at a living situation, take a step back and ask yourself if it is a problem with your roommate or something you can control. It’s easy to blame your roommate when they leave a mess in the kitchen or invite people over without telling you, but it’s up to you to discuss these rules ahead of time. Know that most common roommate issues are ones that can be avoided if talked when first moving in, so take this time to discuss any rules you want to set. Whether it involves cleaning, use of the common space, decorations or having friends over, be open with your roommate about what you prefer and come to a compromise.
Creative Solutions
Everyone has different personalities, and it’s possible that your personality just doesn’t click with your roommate’s. If you have an issue (that is not too serious and can be resolved without the landlord getting involved), try to come up with creative solutions that you both can get on board with. For example, what qualifies as clean and messy can be very different depending on the person, so explain what clean means to you and how you want the common areas to be kept. Things like creating a chore chart to ensure you both do an even amount of cleaning and setting quiet hours, so your sleep schedule isn’t interrupted are some good ways to resolve common conflicts.
Don’t Expect People To Change Their Lifestyle
If you go into the living arrangement with hopes of always getting along and having the exact same lifestyle, you will be thoroughly disappointed. Having a roommate means being around them at all hours of the day and night, and it’s highly unlikely that you will have the same lifestyle as each other. Whether you have different sleeping patterns, eating habits, or cleaning habits, something will be different and may annoy you. Remember that you can’t expect someone to change their whole lifestyle for you, but instead be open to communication and learn to compromise. If you are a light sleeper and your roommate wakes you up when they go to bed late or wake up early, let them know right away, rather than waiting until you’re not getting enough sleep and are angry with them. Meet in the middle to make changes to your sleeping habits, for instance, wearing earplugs or using a white noise machine, while your roommate can work on being quieter and not setting loud alarms in the morning.
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