Puppies many be super cute, but they will need a lot of work and will eventually turn into big does. There are several things to think about before adopting a pet!
There is nothing better than feeling a cold nose on your hand first thing in the morning. Pets are the best! They are often referred to as our children and that is kind of how we treat them. They rely on us for so much and give up all the love we need. It isn’t a wonder you are thinking about heading down to the local animal shelter and adopting a fluffy kitten or a rambunctious puppy. But before getting in your car, let’s talk about some things you need to think about before adopting one.
Your Lease and Apartment
You just moved into your luxury apartment and you aren’t too sure what the policy is on pets in your building. The best thing you can do is either look at your lease’s “Pet Policy” or talk to your landlord about having pets in your building. Pets are a great way to get some extra love, but can you afford one? Will it make your rent go up, do they need to be notified before adoption, or is there a limit on what kind of pets you can get? Some apartments do not allow pets at all. It is important to consult your lease to see if you will need to do anything before bringing a pet into your home. Also think about the type of animal you’d like in your apartment. If you are thinking about getting a Saint Bernard, that is probably too large for an apartment. Think about an animal that will fit comfortably in your space and not feel too big for the room.
Is It Economically Insane?
Pet ownership is an expensive relationship. You will need to buy a bed, food, bowls, cat litter and a little box, a leash, toys, tags, pay for vet visits, spaying and neutering, and any other expenses that come along. Does this make sense for your budget? If you are struggling to make rent, it is definitely not the right time for a pet.
Pets all require a different level of time from you. Will you have enough time to take care of your furry (or not so furry) friend? Your pet will need visits to the vet, groomers, plenty of exercise and play time, and general attention from you. If you travel regularly or work long hours, get a low maintenance pet like fish or a cat that doesn’t constantly need attention.
Will You Need Companionship for Your Companion?
No, we aren’t crazy, this is a real thing. Some animals become lethargic if they are left alone. Ferrets must be adopted in pairs and can become depressed if they are alone. Will your pet need some company while you’re gone or will they be alright left by themselves?
There are a lot of things to think about when adopting a pet. So before jumping into your car and heading to the adoption center, think about if a pet is something you and can have in your life.
Harborside Village Luxury Apartments
Luxury apartment living is easy in Harborside Village Apartments are beautiful waterfront luxury apartments located on the picturesque Gunpowder Cove! To contact Harborside Village, please give us a call at 410-679-1130 or send us an email at leasing@harborsidevillage.com. You can also request a brochure to learn more about life at Harborside Village on our website!