Check out these tips for handling trash and recycling in your apartment.
One of the first things to do when moving into a new apartment is to figure out your trash and recycles situation. Every apartment building or community has different rules, as some have trash chutes while others have dumpsters outside for residents to bring out their garbage bags and recycling. Continue reading for tips for handling your apartment trash and recycling to keep your home clean and to do your part to help the environment!
What Rooms Need Trash Bins?
When moving into a new apartment, you will need to decide how many trash bins you need and where they should be located. Everyone should have a large trash can in their kitchen, as this room will produce the messiest (and smelliest) mess in the home. It’s important to use heavy-duty trash bags for the kitchen, as you don’t want the bag to rip and expose food scraps and food that’s gone bad. To avoid a bad smell and to keep bugs away, be sure to use a trash can that is hidden under a cabinet or drawer or has a cover.
Other rooms that should have smaller trash cans include the bathroom, bedroom, and office space. These rooms don’t need a liner, as the trash is typically non-messy and non-spillable items, but if you prefer one, a plastic bag will do the trick.
What Can And Can’t Be Recycled?
There are a lot of rules about what can and can’t be recycled, and a lot of people make mistakes when putting out their recycling bin. Because it’s complicated, many people decide to avoid recycling altogether. However, if you keep a few rules in mind, you can be better about knowing what to recycle, and what may need to go to a special facility.
Styrofoam may feel like it should be recyclable, but the material isn’t biodegradable and must be brought to a specific facility. Bubble wrap is made of plastic, but the particular kind of plastic that it is made from actually cannot be recycled. Grocery bags are also made of plastic that isn’t biodegradable and will take hundreds of years to decompose. To make an effort to be more environmentally-friendly, avoid these items whenever possible, and take the necessary steps to recycle them properly at special facilities.
Items that can go in your recycling bin include paper items (such as magazines and newspapers,) cardboard, glass, aluminum, and plastic bottles, jars, and jugs. Before you place anything in the recycling bin, make sure it is completely clean!
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