For many people, moving into their first apartment is a hard experience. Whether you are moving away from your parents for the first time, heading to another city for a job and change in scenery, or needed a change, your apartment can be hard to think of as “home.” But don’t worry; we have some tips on how to think of your new place as home!
Light and Airy
One way to make your new apartment more comforting is to think about lighting and spaces. The first step is clean away all of your moving boxes. That’s right; you actually have to unpack your books, knick knacks, and winter wardrobe. The sight of seeing boxes lying around your apartment can stress anyone out and doesn’t exactly promote the “homey” feelings we are trying to achieve. After you have unpacked, take inventory of all of your lighting fixtures. According to interior designers, every room in your home should have at least three lights. This will help create “zones” in your new space. When choosing new lighting, look for compact florescent bulbs that will give off a glowing, golden light instead of the harsh lights of original CFLs.
Now that you have plenty of light to see in your new apartment, let’s decorate it! Fill the spaces with your unique tastes. Artwork, knick knacks, pictures of your friends and family, and furniture can help your new space become your new home.
Sentimental Items
We all have that parent or grandparent that gives you things every time you go over to their house, something for you to “remember” them by. Or perhaps you “accidentally” swiped something from your parents on your way out the door because you have been admiring it your whole life. Well, now is the time to break those items out. As you are decorating your new apartment, think about how to work these pieces into the design. If your grandma gave you a statue on your last visit, think about how it could work into the design and display it proudly. These older items will make your apartment seem familiar and will make you feel at home.
We all know how busy moving can be, even for the serial movers. As you get acclimated to your new job, new city, and start meeting new people, it can be tough to do everything all at once. Instead of expecting your apartment to transform in one weekend, start with the room you spend the most time in: your bedroom. Moving room to room will help you get familiar with your surroundings and will help build your home. Surrounding yourself with light, style, and person items will make your new Harborside Village luxury apartment feel like home in no time!
Harborside Village Luxury Apartments
Luxury apartment living is easy in Harborside Village Apartments are beautiful waterfront luxury apartments located on the picturesque Gunpowder Cove! To contact Harborside Village, please give us a call at 410-679-1130 or send us an email at You can also request a brochure to learn more about life at Harborside Village on our website!