Tips to Choose a Good Roommate


Don’t just find any roommate if you’re looking; find a great roommate!

Finding a good roommate is not always straightforward. You might not even have a clue where to start. If you are looking to move into a new apartment and want a roommate or two or three, here are some great tips to choose a good roommate.

Find a Roommate Wisely

Creating Your Criteria

Even if you have multiple friends who would love to move out with you, it is essential to set your criteria for what you are looking for in a roommate. Even if you have dear friends, it does not mean they are the best people to live with. That being said, you should be able to answer many questions about each potential roommate and be open to rooming with people you have not met yet.

Make a list of questions for your potential roommate to answer, such as the following:

  • Do you smoke?
  • What is your profession?
  • What is your financial health?
  • How do you manage cleaning?
  • Do you have a significant other who will visit frequently?
  • What is your schedule?
  • What are your quiet hours?
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • How do you feel about having parties?
  • Do you have dietary restrictions?
  • Are you okay with sharing the rental costs?
  • Can you provide a background check?
  • Can you provide references?

Asking Someone You Know

The best place to start is with people you know. Who among your friends is interested in rooming together in a particular area? Who among your friends would you like to room with and you know might be interested and able?

If you don’t know anyone, you can also ask around to find mutual acquaintances. You never know what your connections might bring.

The final place to look would be online, unless your goal is to meet new people, in which case it could be the first place you look. Be sure to meet the person face to face and check for scams before agreeing to rent an apartment.

Screening Roommates Online

If you find roommates online, have a way to verify their identity and have a background check. Some sites require roommate finders to have some level of verification in place. Be sure to protect your own information as well.

Communicate Clearly and Be Respectful

When choosing a roommate and living with a roommate, you should always remember to be respectful, thoughtful, and communicative. Having these traits will go a long way in finding a great friend to live with!

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